Download: 2016 CASQA Trash Policy Amendment Documents
Webcast: CASQA (California Stormwater Quality Association) – “TRASH POLICY AMENDMENT”
Hosting City: City of Patterson
Time: March 10th, 2016, 9AM – 3PM
Location: City Hall, Council Chambers, 1 Plaza, Patterson, CA 95363
Background: On April 7, 2015, the State Water Board adopted an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California (Ocean Plan) to Control Trash and Part 1 Trash Provision of the Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries (ISWEBE Plan). Together, they are collectively referred to as ‘the Trash Amendments’. The project objective for the Trash Amendments is to provide statewide consistency for the Water Boards’ regulatory approach to protect aquatic life and public health beneficial uses, and reduce environmental issues associated with trash in state waters, while focusing limited resources on high trash generating areas.
Purpose/Goal(s): To obtain information regarding this new amendment that is being adopted by the State for all MS4 Phase IIs. The State will be sending letters to all Phase IIs within the next month or so requiring Cities to respond within 90 days on how they will comply with the new requirements of 100% trash capture policy. There is two tracts (Tract 1 & Tract 2) that Phase IIs can select from. One of the tracts will require implementation / retrofit of existing infrastructure to ensure that no trash enters the storm system/waterways. This will cost money on installing trash capturing devices as well as high on-going maintenance costs. If Cities go with this Tract, they will be given up to 10 years to implement. The second option is to implement enhanced BMPs (such as additional street sweeping in target areas), but Cities will probably be required to produce some type of plan/effectiveness study to prove that this will work. So in order for Phase IIs to make the decision that is best for their Cities, it is important to become familiar with this policy.
In the meantime, Cities need to start looking at their overall Land Use priority areas and start working on desktop cost estimates for both options.