About Us
On December 8, 1999, the US EPA promulgated regulations, known as Phase II, requiring small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) to obtain permits for storm water discharges.
Each agency was required to implement Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to reduce pollutants in storm drainage in accordance with each agencies Stormwater Management Plans.
The six participating SJVSQP agencies formulated a cost sharing agreement in order to provide shared costs savings to residents for each associated BMP.
Typical program elements eligible for cost sharing included, but were not limited to:
- Consultant Services
- Water Testing for Permit Compliance
- Shared Equipment
- Special Programs and Events
- Advertising
- Printing
The first six San Joaquin Stormwater Quality Partnership (SJSWQP) Group members were:
- City of Lathrop
- City of Lodi
- City of Manteca
- City of Ripon
- City of Tracy
- San Joaquin County
The cost sharing agreement for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Phase II Program with the above six agencies was signed and authorized in 2003.
Due to the successes of the partnership in the San Jaquin Counties, the partnership group determined to expand its Stormwater Partnership, and Mission to the greater San Joaquin Valley watershed.
As of December 2011, the number of the partnership has grown from 6 to 19 members and more Phase I and Phase II Communities in San Joaquin Valley will be invited to SJVSWQP Group.
The SJVSWQP membership has expanded quickly and the partnerships success can be attributed to teamwork!
The SJVSWQP currently operates under a Cost Sharing Agreement.
The San Joaquin Stormwater Quality Partnership (SJSWQP) Group has worked all together very efficiently and effectively.
Now, we are expanding our horizons from the San Joaquin County area to the San Joaquin Valley for serving more people and for better effectiveness!
- Work together to comply with the new Stormwater Permit criteria effectively
- Work together on the Public Outreach Activities, e.g., radio ads, cinema ads, YouTube ads, etc.
- Keep updating short & long term goals on stormwater quality improvement and its applications
- Participate in local public outreach programs, e.g., pumpkin fairs, Earth day events, school activities, etc.
- Serve the Public in the most optimized and effective way!
We will be able to achieve the goals on the Better Environment with our efforts, experiences, and knowledge.