This year’s CASQA Conference will be held in Riverside CA on October 15-17, 2018. While all interested parties are welcome to respond, our CASQA PIPP group is especially looking for abstract submittals related to outreach and education. Here is a link to the CASQA Conference webpage that has specific information about the conference and how to submit an abstract. . The online abstract submittal tool describes several different categories of tracks for the conference. The Collaboration and Public Outreach Track will be the primary track for outreach and education presentations.
Connecting the Drops from Summit to Sea is the CASQA Conference theme this year. If you would like to help protect each precious drop of water from our summit to our seas and are interested in presenting at this year’s CASQA Conference, please submit a brief abstract about your projects and experiences with…
No more silos! Stormwater and beyond!! How do you engage with sister departments in the same jurisdiction and work with both governmental and non-governmental agencies to tackles some of the biggest issues impacting our waterways though may not necessarily focus on water quality?
Innovative Outreach…
Calling those who think differently! Creative, unconventional stormwater outreach campaigns? Humor? Sure! Getting the word out in new ways? Of course! If you have an innovative outreach project, we’d love to hear from you.
Creating a Community- More With Less….
Have you helped build a cohesive watershed community group engaged in stormwater education and protection? Whether you start with an already existing local partnerships or created a new one, we want to hear your story!
Social Media Outreach
YouTube, Facebook, Google ads, LinkedIn, Snap Chat… So many new tools in the outreach toolbox! Has online, digital social media been the primary tool for your outreach projects and awareness campaigns? Please share your who, what, when, where, and how’s of your experience and please be sure to include how you measures your success!
School Age Programs- In/Out of the Classroom.
Students and teachers can become awesome ambassadors of clean water and healthy watersheds, especially if they understand the problems we face in the stormwater world!! We are looking for strategies which have worked for outreach to students (and parents, grandparents!), of all ages. Success stories using CA Education in the Environment or other curriculum, after school Program activities, student initiative designed BMP’s, river monitoring, Coastal or campus cleanups, study trips, and more.
We want to hear about your strategies for designing a useful public opinion survey to measure the public’s awareness and behavior related to stormwater topics and how to effectively use the data to measure progress of stormwater outreach programs, define goals, establish benchmarks, and understand behavior change.