CASQAlert on PEAIP Frameworks and Webinar


Free, customizable Guidance!  

Free Webinar!  

What more could a stormwater permittee want?!

CASQA Members,

CASQA will be demonstrating how to use its new Program Effectiveness Assessment and Implementation Plan (PEAIP) Frameworks guidance in a free webinar on Thursday, April 30, 2015; 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm.

Click here for webinar access instructions

The Small MS4 General Permit (Phase II Permit) requires each Permittee to develop a PEAIP by the end of the second year of the Permit (June 2015).  To assist the Phase II community with this effort, CASQA has developed a PEAIP Framework (one for traditional MS4s and one for non-traditional entities) that can then be tailored by each Permittee.  The Framework is meant to provide a common platform for the PEAIP in a customizable, user-friendly format for agencies to use as they develop their individual documents.

Please click here to download the PEAIP Framework  



California Stormwater Quality Association | CASQA

P.O. Box 2105

Menlo Park, CA 94026-2105

650.366.1042 (voicemail only)

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