Stormwater Effectiveness Web Portal Survey


To All Phase II entities: 


The California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) is implementing a Proposition 84 Stormwater Grant Program project to develop a Web Portal to assist the stormwater community in obtaining and utilizing information relating to the assessment of stormwater program effectiveness. 

The Web Portal will provide a central repository for obtaining guidance, sharing data and information, and obtaining planning and assessment support.


To ensure that the Web Portal is a valuable resource, we would like to understand what would be most useful for its primary users. Your input will help to refine the Web Portal content and develop training to meet user expectations and needs.


Please take a few moments to participate in the online survey that has been developed.


You can access the survey here:

Note: the first page will indicate that you are 14% of the way through the survey, that is a by product of the survey, once you click next it will advance to the next screen.


Your responses will be kept confidential. 


Contact Karen Ashby at [email protected] or (530) 753-6400 x232 if you have any questions.


Thank you in advance for your participation.


California Stormwater Quality Association | CASQA

P.O. Box 2105

Menlo Park, CA 94026-2105

650.366.1042 (voicemail only)

[email protected]