WEBINAR: Getting it right: Stormwater Stewardship – SB231 and Prop 218

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Sen. Hertzberg and the Water Foundation hosted a webinar regarding Senate Bill 231 on Oct. 17 to provide guidance on what the legislation does, implementation strategies local agencies can use and the risk of litigation from opponents. The legislation takes effect on Jan. 1, 2018.

Under Proposition 218, local governments must hold an election to raise taxes and fees with a few exceptions. Those exceptions include fees for essential services such as “sewer, water and refuse collection.” SB 231 provides much needed clarification that the definition of “sewer” includes both sanitary and stormwater services, which is in line with other statutes, court opinions, and dictionary definitions of that term. It also provides a contemporaneous interpretation within Proposition 218.

In this archived webinar (  http://sd18.senate.ca.gov/sb231-webinar ), Sen. Hertzberg, the author of SB 231, and leading thinkers in the field shared their perspectives on what should happen next.